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One minute project

5X5 Project

Animation Project

Digitally produced "whiteboard" animation set to John Denver's Leaving on a Jet Plane. This animation tells a short, simple story about love and the risk involved.

Ever have a really good idea that...well isn't so good? this was the intent behind this sloshy jog in the mud. If you listen close you can hear a muffled sound of horrid realization in the background as soon as ...well i'll save the ending for you.

frame by frame by frame; the 5x5 is an interesting art form. From beautiful pieces of scenery to micro stories, we have access to them all! This simple video demonstrates the basics of the form and its story telling properties.


This video was a huge undertaking by my crew and I. We teamed up with professional Kate Potter to learn the basics of documentation and put together a film to win donatins from our support systems here at Cleveland High School.  My personal contribution took the form of being an interviewer and an interviewee (along with general consoltation).

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